Course curriculum

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    Your online Course

    • Welcome & Acknowledgment

    • Course Objectives/Outline

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    Introduction : ADL

    • Definition

    • Considerations in ADL/IADL Analysis & Training + Documentation

    • Therapeutic Strategies -Self Care Training

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    ADL for Persons with Hemiplegia

    • Introduction

    • Grooming & Personal hygiene OVERVIEW

    • VIDEO -Shaving Stroke survivors

    • Video links - Grooming

    • Dressing Upper body OVERVIEW

    • VIDEO: Dressing 'Front opening shirt'

    • VIDEO: Upper Body Dressing (shirt)

    • VIDEO -put on a bra with one hand

    • VIDEO -Putting on Pants with One Hand in Bed

    • VIDEO -Dressing Upper body- Video links

    • Dressing Lower body OVERVIEW

    • VIDEO: One Handed Shoe Tying Technique

    • Video - How To Put on Pants with One Arm After Stroke

    • VIDEO: How To Use A Dressing Stick

    • Video -Using a Sock Aid

    • Feeding OVERVIEW

    • Feeding - Video links

    • Toileting

    • Showering as a Stroke Survivor - Stroke Survivor Life Hacks - VIDEO Link

    • Transfers

    • Video links - Transfers

    • Adaptive Cooking Tools for One Handed Use Hand

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    ADL for Persons with Spinal Cord Injuries

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    ADL for persons with In-coordination

    • ADL for persons with In-coordination

    • Gyenno Spoon - Smart self stabilizing spoon

    • Adapted Tools - resources link

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    Before you leave

    • Learning Check -1

    • Learning Check -2

    • Course Evaluation